Mobile phones reset the Palm Zire 21

via Bea Log – Weird but true! Next time your friend tells you something strange, stop for a moment and think. It could be true!
I am thinking about getting an amplifier/booster for my phone so I can selectively zap competitors Palm Pilots when in a conference, etc.

I spoke with Bea and she told me the thing actually lost all data on it! Good thing she had recently sync’ed… Ah! Don’t even get me started on backups!

palmOne – Support – Knowledge Library – Troubleshooting: Some mobile phones cause the Zire 21 handheld to reset


Une réflexion sur « Mobile phones reset the Palm Zire 21 »

  1. Yeah, and you thought I was pulling your leg, huh? I guess I have to blame you for going to look for every little piece of information available when something weird happens with my geeky stuff.

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